Getting Started


Athena ide atom is based on atom. You have to install it first.

By apm

Athena ide atom is available in apm (atom package manager). You can install with it.

Atom -> Preferences -> Install


You can install using cli. For windows user, you can use git bash for cli environment.

> apm install athena-ide-atom

By installer

Installing with apm may be slow on slow network status. So we provide custom installer in releases. Download athena-ide-atom-x.x.x-installer.bin from releases and run in cli. For windows user, you can use git bash for cli environment.

> ./athena-ide-atom-x.x.x-installer.bin


Using shortcut

  • Mac : Option + Shirt + L
  • Windows : Alt + Shirt + L

Using menu bar

Packages -> Athena IDE -> Open Athena IDE Panel


Auto Complete

Athena ide atom provides some basic autocomplete for lua.



Athena ide atom provides basic lint for lua.
